Rejection of the Called, Fearless, and Healed be part of a generation that has been traumatized and is in pain but has been told to do great things—what a combination... A few months ago after much reflection through journaling I had to settle with the true motive behind much of my life work. I realized much of what I did stemmed from fear and reactions to “not be like_____”. And I had to stop, heal, confront, get quiet, and then start creating again from a new, healthier space.

What I’ve learned in this journey is that much in this society cannot comprehend or be hospitable to healed, grounded, contented, fearless, peaceful people. There’s something for “everyone” so long as you are operating from trauma and the life you lead and the art you create as a result. But not for those living in understanding and wisdom to not make decisions that place their soul on the auction block or get them attention that doubles as the curtain to hide the wiz of their insecurity. There’s money, prizes, fame, and a platform for you to smile for the cameras and cry alone in the dark. There’s a clique for caprice that lives for today and leaves no inheritance.

If you Journey Soulfully, the world can’t handle you. So you must also learn to create your world, create your lineage, and create the empire that will host your bloodline according to the healing and security and fearlessness by which you’ve learned to abide. This culture will exploit you in every way and then show “support” for you when you act out of pain instead of overcoming. You are more than this. Deciding to reject celebration that makes you a celebrity for the fellow fearful will always put you into an isolated space. But it will give you a respected space as an ancestor. And your posterity will be protected because of your decisions.



More on Journeying Soulfully


Plans for Your Fruition